
To Give Thanks

Writing about the holiday is inevitable. I can't say it's my favorite though. Do we really need a holiday centered around eating until we are sick? Or remembering a holiday where we temporarily celebrated a friendship between people we eventually forced off of their homeland? Yes I guess we do. Now that I'm through with my criticisms of the day, I can say that I do love seeing all the family and having great times with friends I don't see regularly. This is the time where the whole family joins. Everyone covers up the tattoos, takes out the piercings and changes into the family appropriate wardrobe saved for these occasions. And after all of these inconvenient alterations to make everyone feel comfortable, the company we enjoy is worth it.

This Thanksgiving was the first where my entire family did not get together. This one, I spent more with friends who all were too far to go home and needed a makeshift family to be with. It has ended up being one of my favorites. My brother came home for the first time in 14 months and brought three of his friends and thier children and I had my two best friends join us. Each of them added to the experience and together it combined for an unparelled occasion. I hope everyone had a nice break.

About Me

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I'm 19 and deciding what I want to do with my life. I'm open to suggestions.